the totally free

mini course on

Gaslighting 101

  • ✿ a history of Gaslighting

    ✿ how the fabric of society allows gaslighting to self perpetuate (systemic gaslighting)

✿ the long reaching negative effects & impact of gaslighting on mental health and physical well-being, workplace and career, family and children, intergenerational trauma and so on

    ✿ grasping the repetitive nature of gaslighting & how that cycle both contributes to abusive relationships while perpetuating the general abuse cycle

  • ✿ revealing gaslighting strategies, such as denying, trivializing, projection and blaming the victim for the problem-shifting

    ✿ being able to appreciate gaslighting as a distinct form of emotional manipulation and abuse from other forms of the same flavour

    ✿ how gaslighting can take on a variety of forms depending on the nature of the relationship and the setting in which it occurs

    ✿ investigating the personality traits and lifestyle choices of gaslighters 

    ✿ the influence of power dynamics in unhealthy relationships

  • ✿ developing a deeper awareness of your own lived experience

    ✿ developing resiliency and a healthy sense of self as a protective mechanism against the impacts of gaslighting

    ✿ developing healthy coping skills and assertive techniques for self-care and self-love

    ✿ forgiving one's self

    ✿ locating support systems and resources for recovery and healing

  • ✿ truly understanding the red flags of unhealthy relationships

    ✿ developing an understanding of your individual boundaries

    ✿ learning how to communicate those boundaries and assert yourself

    ✿ acquiring the skills necessary to have productive and forceful conversations with those gaslighting you

    ✿ investigating the options and choices available to effectively and safely exit unhealthy relationships where those boundaries are not respected

  • ✿ the process of regaining trust in oneself and others following the use of gaslighting

    ✿ the process of cultivating a healthy self-image and a sense of self-worth and truly believing OURSELVES before we negotiate that belief in the outer world

    ✿ recognising when we are projecting our fear of being gaslighted onto people who are not gaslighters (making sure we aren't being paranoid for ex to protect ourself)

    ✿ breaking cycles and clearing energetic fields with kids